Fullerton College
Participatory Governance
Participatory governance at
Fullerton College is achieved in the spirit of cooperation,
collaboration, and collegiality. It promotes the vision and values
of the College and ensures their achievement through appropriate
policies and procedures via a structure of councils, committees, and
task forces.
The purpose of the Fullerton
College participatory governance structure is to provide each
constituent group the opportunity to participate in the planning
process and program initiatives as well as to develop, review, and
revise policies and procedures through their representatives.
Functionally, this is accomplished by councils, committees, and task
forces created to formalize collegiality, to facilitate collegial
communication, and to resolve issues as close to the point of origin
as possible. These structures provide an opportunity for all
perspectives of constituent group interests to be considered. The
result is effective processes for planning, implementation,
evaluation, and planning agenda(s) for improvement.
General Principles
1. All
decision making is based on recognition that the College exists to
educate students.
2. All
constituent groups have a vested interest and a role in ensuring
that Fullerton College fulfills the mission defined by the
legislature, State Board of Governors, and the North Orange County
Community College District Board of Trustees.
3. Participatory
governance is a method of organized and collegial interaction in
which faculty, staff, students, and managers participate in
thoughtful deliberation and decision-making, leading to
recommendations made to the College President
4. Mutual
agreement is the goal to be achieved through active participation
and collegial interaction by all constituent groups.
5. The
most effective means of developing policies and procedures is to
provide opportunity for involvement by the constituent groups
affected by the implementation of these policies and procedures.
6. In
academic and professional matters, as defined by AB1725, the College
President will rely on the advice of the Academic Senate in reaching
mutual agreement.
7. Representatives
of constituent groups involved in the participatory governance
process have the responsibility of keeping their respective groups
informed of the proceedings and recommendations of governance
8. Individuals
not serving as representatives have the opportunity to share
concerns with their constituent groups, with the anticipation that
their views will be represented in governance councils, committees,
and task forces.
Roles of the Participants in
Participatory Governance
College President
The College President represents
the Governing Board. The President is responsible for providing
communication procedures and the infrastructure for achieving
participation from all constituencies in the decision-making
processes appropriate to participatory governance. The President
encourages the participation of all constituencies in their
appropriate participatory governance roles.
Faculty Senate
The Faculty Senate represents the
faculty of Fullerton College in academic and professional matters.
Consistent with AB1725 and other District policies, the President
consults collegially with the Faculty Senate on academic and
professional matters. The Senate expresses the view of the faculty
through a vote of the Senate. At the Senate’s discretion, the Senate
may choose to delegate its responsibility to specific committees or
to individual faculty members for limited duration and purposes.
As appropriate, the Senate adopts
procedures and approves or endorses actions related to academic and
professional matters which include: (1) curriculum including
established prerequisites and placing courses within disciplines;
(2) degree and certificate requirements; (3) grading policies (4)
policies for faculty professional development activities; (5) other
academic and professional matters as mutually agreed upon.
The Faculty Senate makes all
faculty appointments to college governance committees. Appointees
are expected to regularly attend meetings and to contribute as a
part of their professional responsibilities. The faculty members
serving on those committees are participating to represent and
express the interests of (1) the Senate and (2) their constituents.
Appointees do not make decisions for the Senate and are obligated
to communicate regularly to the Senate and their representative
groups on the governance committee’s activities.
Classified Senate
The Classified Senate represents
the classified staff in participative decision making and in the
participatory governance process which develops and formulates
policy and practice with no collective bargaining effect related,
but not limited to, the following: (1) representing the perspective
of classified staff in policy and procedure deliberations; (2)
offering staff in-service activities; (3) communicating among the
various interest groups and classified staff of Fullerton College;
(4) collaborating with CSEA for appointment of classified staff on
all governance committees; (5) maintaining the delineation of
responsibility between the Classified Senate and CSEA. The
Classified Senate has no responsibility in any area related to
bargaining or working conditions; such issues are the explicit
responsibility of CSEA. CSEA has the right to appoint the
classified representatives to all participatory governance
committees. The College President ensures that the recommendations
and opinions of classified staff are given every reasonable
consideration within this structure.
Associated Students of Fullerton
The Associated Students of
Fullerton College (AS) is the official voice of the Fullerton
College student body and is responsible for selecting students to
serve on appropriate college councils, committees and task forces.
The Associated Students represent the students of Fullerton College
in participative decision making and in the participatory governance
process which develops and formulates policy and practice related,
but not limited to, the following: (1) the AS makes recommendations
to the Director of Student Affairs and/or Dean of Student Support
Services regarding academic and extracurricular concerns of
students; (2) the AS serves as the representative of Fullerton
College students on the President’s Advisory Council; (3) the AS
presents to the President’s Advisory Council recommendations and
policy for college wide consideration; (4) the AS appoints student
representatives for governance committees.
Deans/Managers of Fullerton
The Deans/Managers of Fullerton
College represent the college deans, directors, and classified
managers on the President’s Advisory Council. The deans/managers
are responsible for (1) communicating all college wide issues to
deans/managers; (2) representing the perspective of deans/managers
in college wide discussion of policy and procedures at the
President’s Advisory Council; (3) reporting to the deans/managers
governance issues for dissemination through their areas of
Responsibilities of All Parties
Participatory governance committee
deliberations and actions should be public. In addition to
representation afforded to individuals through constituent groups,
individuals and groups may also be heard by any council, committee,
or task force by requesting permission to speak.
The final authority for governance
at Fullerton College is the North Orange County Community College
District Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees delegates
authority to the President through the District Chancellor. The
President and all constituent groups are committed to a functional
and effective participatory governance process.
The Governance Structure
– A council meets on a regular basis and is composed of constituency
representatives designated or selected to act in an advisory
capacity. A council often directs the work of numerous committees or
task forces.
Standing Committee
– A standing committee is composed of constituency representatives
and considers matters pertaining to a designated charge or subject.
A committee reports its recommendations to appropriate
representative bodies.
– All governance bodies may establish their own committees to
support their work. All committees should have a defined purpose.
If desired, governance units may request membership from other
constituent units to serve as resource members. Resource members
will be assigned as defined under “Membership.” The President’s
Advisory Council may establish committees with overarching purpose
on topics that are also being reviewed from the perspective of a
particular constituent unit.
Task Force
- A task force addresses special college wide issues or tasks and
meets until the issue is resolved or the task is completed.
Fullerton College faculty, staff,
students, and managers serve on a variety of college, constituent
group and district councils, committees, and task forces. Members of
the governance groups of the college are determined by constituent
groups. When the appointment is to be made based on the position
held by the individual, the specific position is identified in the
composition of the group. When the individual is appointed or
elected to represent a constituent group, the following processes
are followed:
Faculty Senate Appointments
- All faculty appointments are made through the Senate.
Classified Appointments
– All Classified appointments are accomplished by the collaboration
of the Classified Senate through the CSEA appointment process.
Student Appointments
- All student appointments are made through the Associated Students.
Deans/Managers Appointments
- All deans/managers appointments are made by the College President
after consultation with the deans/managers.
- Appointments of membership will generally be made in April/May to
fill positions which will be vacated the subsequent year.
Appointments may be otherwise made at any time deemed appropriate by
the participatory governance group.
Fullerton College
Councils and Committees
President’s Advisory Council
Purpose: The purpose of the
President’s Advisory Council (PAC) is to receive and review college
policy recommendations from any and all college groups, obtain
constituent opinions, advise the President as to policy
recommendations, provide a venue for college wide initiatives and
provide a means of communication within the college community. The
PAC is the forum in which all proposed broad-based college policy
and procedural changes are discussed collegially before they are
acted on or implemented by the College President. (PAC)
Planning & Budget Steering Committee
Charge: The charge of the Planning
& Budget Steering Committee (PBSC) is to: (1) advise on the development of
budgetary policies, processes and timelines; (2) receive and review
budget proposals from departments and/or program areas; (3) review
and recommend projects to be funded through the “Dynamic Fund”; (4)
recommend funding priorities for the overall college budget; (5)
sponsor budget orientation workshops for the members of PBSC and as
needed by the college community; (6) engage in self-directed study
to meet its regulatory obligations under Title 5 of the California
Code of Regulations, and to maintain authority delegated by the
State Chancellor’s Office. (PAC)
Staff Development Committee
Charge: The charge of the Staff
Development Committee is to: (1) plan, develop, coordinate, review
and evaluate the professional development activities; (2) plan Flex
Day activities for ongoing professional development; (4) assist in
the preparation of the twice yearly reports to the District Officer
of Staff Development: on expenditures, funding priorities,
procedures, deadlines, activities, schedules of meetings, attainment
of goals, needs assessments, etc. (PAC)
Distance Education Program
Advisory Committee/Technology Implementation Committee
Charge: The charge of the Distance
Education Advisory Committee is to: (1) assess how effectively
current technology is being utilized at the college; (2) identify,
prioritize and recommend areas for expansion of technology
utilization for the enhancement of instructional programs, student
services and the management of the college; (3) identify, prioritize
and recommend both on-going and specialized training needs for
maximum utilization of technological resources. (Faculty Senate)
Technology Implementation
Charge: The charge of the
Technology Implementation Committee is to: (1) identify, prioritize
and recommend staffing for technology; (2) develop an on-going
comprehensive College Technology Plan for consideration by PAC; (3)
recommend funding strategies and priorities for major technology
spending to the BDC; (4) receive regular reports from the District
Information Technology Committee, and review and respond as
appropriate. (PAC)
Campus Diversity Committee
Charge: The charge of the Campus
Diversity Committee is to: (1) plan and develop activities with the
purpose of promoting harmony, equality and unity through a greater
understanding of diversity; (2) provide advice and recommendations
to the College President on related issues. (PAC)
Adopted by President's Advisory Council -
Updated 10/2/12